15 Week Session

This course is a field experience and practical requirement for all students in the B.Ed. program. Students are involved in applying and implementing course required assignments with emphasis on theoretical, pedagogical, and content-based practices learned in their work in elementary schools as pre-professionals under the guidance and supervision of the ASCC Field Coordinator, Teacher Education faculty, and K-8 school system cooperating teachers. A minimum of five hours per week is required in conjunction with professional education courses. This course also requires a 15-hour seminar component for expected field training course work and the monitoring of the field training experience. (Note: 1 practicum credit)

This seminar course is an overview of the student teaching experience, which will outline all regulations and guidelines of student teaching.  The seminar is specifically designed to promote reflection and sharing between student teachers, colleagues, and the college instructor.  Opportunities will be given to the student teachers to share their concerns about their progress, encourage growth, and offer support.  The seminar is designed to serve as a forum for discussion of relevant issues and exemplars that are authentic to elementary education in American Samoa and the United States. (Note: 2 lecture credits)

This course provides teaching experience under intensive supervision in a public-school setting.  The ASCC TED faculty and ST field coordinator provide regular observations, counseling, and evaluations.  Student teachers will receive practical experience under the guidance of the cooperating teachers in planning for teaching, managing classrooms, and directing learning activities of students.  Student teachers are given the opportunity to direct the activities of the classroom environment to the point of assuming full responsibility. (Note: 10 credits of field work)