15 Week Session

This is a Conversational Samoan language course at the elementary level. The focus is on enunciation, vocabulary building and the correct use of words in directed fundamental dialoguing, which should transit to more student oriented conversation. Upon completion, students should become comfortably fluent enough to continue with further training in SAM 101B and SAM 111 at ASCC or learning on their own. This course is intended for non-speakers; beginning speakers of the Samoan Language, and can be taken as an elective. (Note: 3 lecture credits)

E mafuli le tele o felafolafoa’iga i le faatautaiga o talanoaga Faasamoa ma e tā’ua lenei mataupu o le vasega muamua. E a’oa’o le faaleoga sa’o o upu, fauga o upu, o le faaaogaga sa’o o upu i totonu o se talanoaga ma i’u ai ina agavaa le tagata e faaaoga le gagana Samoa e feso’ota’i ai. O le a faaosofia le lagona fiafia i le tagata ā’oga e fia a’oa’o pea le gagana Samoa ma faaauau atu ai i le isi vasega e tā’ua o le SAM 101B po o le SAM 111 i le Kolisi Tuufaatasi o Amerika Samoa, po o le faia fo’i o ni sailiiliga. O lenei vasega e mo tagata e lē iloa Faasamoa; tagata fa’ato’ā tau a’o le Faasamoa, ae maise ai le aogā o lenei vasega e faaatoa ai togi o polokalama. (Faaaliga: 3 togi)

This is a Conversational Samoan language course at the elementary level. The focus is on enunciation, vocabulary building and the correct use of words in directed fundamental dialoguing, which should transit to more student oriented conversation. Upon completion, students should become comfortably fluent enough to continue with further training in SAM 101B and SAM 111 at ASCC or learning on their own. This course is intended for non-speakers; beginning speakers of the Samoan Language, and can be taken as an elective. (Note: 3 lecture credits)

E mafuli le tele o felafolafoa’iga i le faatautaiga o talanoaga Faasamoa ma e tā’ua lenei mataupu o le vasega muamua. E a’oa’o le faaleoga sa’o o upu, fauga o upu, o le faaaogaga sa’o o upu i totonu o se talanoaga ma i’u ai ina agavaa le tagata e faaaoga le gagana Samoa e feso’ota’i ai. O le a faaosofia le lagona fiafia i le tagata ā’oga e fia a’oa’o pea le gagana Samoa ma faaauau atu ai i le isi vasega e tā’ua o le SAM 101B po o le SAM 111 i le Kolisi Tuufaatasi o Amerika Samoa, po o le faia fo’i o ni sailiiliga. O lenei vasega e mo tagata e lē iloa Faasamoa; tagata fa’ato’ā tau a’o le Faasamoa, ae maise ai le aogā o lenei vasega e faaatoa ai togi o polokalama. (Faaaliga: 3 togi)

This is an introductory course in Samoan writing and speaking, grammar and usage of contemporary and commonly used respectful Samoan phrases. Students enrolled are recommended to write and speak fluent Samoan. (Note: 3 lecture credits)

O lenei mataupu amata i le gagana Samoa e a’oa’o ai tusitusiga ma tautalaga, faaaogaga o le kalama ma le gagana faaonaponei ma le gagana faaaloalo masani. E fautuaina tagata aooga e tusitusi ma tautatala manino i le gagana Samoa. (Faaaliga: 3 togi)

This is an introductory course to Samoan culture. Students will discuss, and analyze cultural aspects of the faasamoa such as appropriate language, and appropriate behavior in varying spatial contexts. The concepts of extended families and their functions, land tenure, and the peopling of Samoa are also discussed. Students will be expected to express opinions on Samoan society. (Note: 3 lecture credits)

O le mataupu faamasani lenei i le aganuu Samoa. O le a lauliliu, ma iloilo e tagata aooga nisi o tu faasamoa e pei o, gagana talafeagai, amio talafeagai i ituaiga saofa’iga eseese i totonu o se nuu. E a’oa’o ai konesepi tau le aiga potopoto ma o latou aogā, fanua ma lona faasoaga ma le ‘aināina o motu o Samoa. E tatau i tagata aooga ona faaali manatu e faatatau i saofa’iga eseese a Samoa. (Faaaliga: 3 togi)

This course is required for an Associate of Arts Degree in Samoan Studies. Students will be able to review ancient Samoan literature and history through historical oral recitations of “solo” that are manifested in everyday life: the ‘ava ceremony, traditional speeches (lauga), marriage (tini), chants and meditation (tapuaiga). Students will be introduced to other popular forms of history, songs, myths, legends, fagogo, humor (faleaitu), and contemporary stories. Students will study the impact of the Bible on Samoan literature. (Note: 3 lecture credits)

O le tasi lenei mataupu faamalosia mo le tikeri AA i le gagana ma aganuu Samoa. I lenei mataupu o le a mafai e tagata aooga ona iloilo tala o le vavau ma le tala faasolopito e ala atu i ana solo o aso fai soo: ava, lauga, tini, tapuaiga. O le a faamasani fo’i tagata aooga i isi ituaiga tala faasolopito, pese, tala o le vavau, fagogo, faleaitu ma tala faaonaponei. O le a su’esu’e tagata aooga i le aafiaga o gagana faamauina a Samoa i le Tusi Paia. (Faaaliga: 3 togi)